Coach Walt

iExcel AAU Girls Basketball Coach 


“YOUR WORLD MEDIA is a fantastic company who does the absolute best job of training young people on how to showcase themselves to the media on camera.

Isis “Ice” Young worked with my players and I was blown away by her professionalism, the training and the reaction I got from not only parents but players who attended the training.

The details of her training really showed my players the right way to present themselves on camera and gave them great insight on what sports media, behind the camera, expects and wants athletes to communicate.

It was the best training that I could have offered my players. I truly believe my players gained not only a great media experience but also the confidence to talk to the media at such a young age. I would recommend all young athletes and coaches should sign up for her training. They will be happy to gain the information that will last them a lifetime!”


Teisha Hyman