Dee Dee Davis

University of Rhode Island Women’s Basketball Guard

“10 out of 10. 100 out of 100. I think that it’s a necessary experience for all student-athletes, especially those who are not the most articulate … I definitely was one of those [athletes] that would sway, I would not use the necessary methods that Ice taught me, but after the program it’s been smooth sailing. I feel as if when I get interviewed now, I’m firm in what I’m going to say … I find myself using the methods that she has taught me, so I think that [the program] is definitely a must-do.”

On the media training program for incoming collegiate freshmen …

“It’s a must. Coming in as a freshman is a lot with a lot going on, and then to deal with the media can definitely add on some pressure, so knowing how to express yourself, how to articulate yourself is a must because … you’ll probably be in front of a camera at some point during your career. Especially as a freshman to start out with the background and knowledge from year one to help through years two through four/five, it’s necessary.”


Nia Gibson


La’Keisha Sutton